This weekend was a bit of a blur.
Evan spent the weekend being a sloth. He is not used to full days of schools followed by full practices and meets. It's a lot of people-ing, and he finally got tired. He had a forfeit at his meet Friday, came home, and just crashed. He is ready for this week, but we are so glad he had a chance to rest a bit.
Issa had her Kaleidoscope Christmas party Friday and rehearsals Saturday. She babysat Sunday afternoon, but we managed to squeeze in baking cookies for the neighbors, which was important to her.
Brad and I managed a data afternoon yesterday to finish the Christmas shopping, order a new stove, and actually have dinner just the two of us. Our new stove arrives on December 20, and we are so excited. Our old one has been inconsistent, and the oven handle fell off last week. We have replaced the handle once, but it was just time to call it in. It was 21 years old; I would say that was a good long run.
This is my last day on campus (although I will work the rest of the week from home), and the kids just have this week left of school. I think we are going to make it!