Monday, November 25, 2024

What a Weekend

We had one of those truly wonderful weekends. Both kids had big events Friday, Brad and I got a date day Saturday, and yesterday we girls went to a ballet before a big family dinner.

Evan had a wrestling meet Friday night. It was the home invitational, and he drew the two toughest teams for his bracket:
His first pin took until the second period, but it was pretty:
The second took less than a minute and was the best we've ever seen him wrestle:
He won his bracket, and Coach was very, very happy, which is always a good thing.

While we were watching wrestling, Issa and Kai went to semi-formal:

They had a blast until the pregamers arrived, at which point they made their exit:
This is the only full-length picture we got, but it's better than nothing:
They had a lot of fun and ducked before their introverted selves decided it was not fun anymore.

Saturday Evan had to work the wrestling tournament all day. I went to the farmer's market with mom in the morning, and then Brad and I worked our shift at the tournament before having a date day. We did some Christmas prep and generally just enjoyed some time just the two of us, which is hard to come by these days.

Yesterday, Shannon came into town and all four of us girls went to the ballet to see Marcelo's final bow. He has long been one of our favorites, and I'm so glad we could be there to see it. Afterwards, we met the boys for PF Chang's before coming home to prep for the short work week!

We have many holiday plans this week, and I'm excited for all of the family time to come!


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Book 27

I traveled to NY this week to do an AAQEP Accreditation visit. I had a fabulous team, and it was a great three days. These visits are packed and a ton of work, but I truly enjoy doing them. I learn a lot by seeing what other sites do, and I enjoy trying to make the process as painless as possible. That travel gave me some extra reading time, so I finished book 27:

 This was the third in the Lightlark series, and I thought it was the last. Sadly, it is not and it ends on a huge cliffhanger! I think the second book was the best of the three, but I did enjoy this one. The main character is really developing her strength in this book, and now I'm so anxious to see how it ends. With no release date in sight, I am not a happy camper.

Friday, November 15, 2024

And so it begins...

 Last night officially began the wrestling season, and I didn't take a single picture. 

Evan is in the number two spot for 150, so he didn't wrestle last night, but he does get to travel with the varsity team again this year! Last night we had a Tri in Asheboro, which is a little over an hour away. Brad couldn't get off work early, so I drove down. 

We trounced Science and Math. Everyone but our poor freshman 136 got a pin. But then we wrestled Uwarii. They were last year's state champs, and only Alejandro (the number one in 150) won on points. Everyone else lost. It was ugly, but I was so proud of the team. They kept good spirits and still cheered each on.

We didn't have a ton of spectators on our side, but I loved sitting with the senior moms. They kept the same good spirits and cheered everyone on. We were loud even if we were losing! 

I really think this is going to be a very fun season.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Books 25 and 26

I finished the second book in the series Monday:
Half of the book is a series of flashbacks that make the first book make so much more sense. The first book easily stands alone, but this really adds some depth and complexity. It also ends in a way I absolutely did not see coming.

Since I knew book three was supposed to arrive last night, I read this book yesterday:

It's George Washington's journal that essentially launched the French Indian War. Brad got it for me when I was in my revolutionary rabbit hole, and it got buried the the to be read stack. It's been a while since I read a primary document, and it was so interesting to see the combination of surveyor, diplomat, and soldier play out.

Monday, November 11, 2024

What a Weekend

We had another fabulous weekend. 

Saturday morning I got up and went to the farmer's market. It has become a little dose of happy for me every week. I have a few farmers I know by name, and I love spending some time in the fresh air with my little market basket.

Later that morning, I picked Mom up and we went to a friend of Evan's open studio. He does welding with found metals, and Mom took home these two herons:
I just love them, and it's really fun to support one of Evan's friends as a professional artist.

Once we found a home for the sculpture, we met Issa at the mall for lunch. It was so fun for the five of us to catch up, and I'm always grateful when we have some found time together. After lunch, we split up. The boys went candy shopping, and we girls went dress shopping for Issa's semi-formal. Issa is so fun to shop with, and I can't wait for the pictures in a couple of weeks when she and Kai go to the dance.

Yesterday, I spent some time in the pottery studio, and other than that we had a really easy day. Evan and I ended the day watching the Lions game, which about took me out. I love my Lions, but good grief this season is a ride!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Book 24

I finished book 24 last week:

 Issa read this one first, and it's another fantasy novel with an interesting world and complex characters. I was almost finished with it, when I realized there was a second book, and I managed to get it here the day I finished this one. The third book comes out next week, and it is preordered! 

I'm really enjoying visiting these other realms. It's a nice break from our reality.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

A Very Fun Corn

Issa and I both participated in Corn on campus this weekend!

For the first time, academic departments were asked to be in the parade. Our department went all in with a choreographed dance to "ABC" by the Jackson 5 and matching shirts:
We had the best time, and it was so fun to hear the students lose it when they saw us. We were also the only department to participate, so I'm extra proud of us.

We were most excited to support Issa, though:

She has spent the last several weeks rehearsing multiple times a week with her friends. She was in every dance in their skit and choreographed one of them, and it was so good! She made some good friends and had fun, which is all that we could ask for. They also came in second, which is not too bad!

Corn is just one of those things that is hard to explain. It's a class competition and a celebration of all of the best that is Meredith. Watching my seniors process in I was a teary mess. It's a nice reminder that this really is Wonderland.

Monday, November 4, 2024

A Different Halloween

 I have so much to catch up on here, but I want to give each event it's due, starting with Halloween!

This was our first Halloween with no kids at home. Evan was at wrestling, and Issa celebrated on campus. She and her roommate were Boo and Sully:

We opted to do the Great Pumpkin at our house again, and I added some fun yard signs this year:
Kids could choose, a toy, candy, or rock:
Rock was still the most popular! We went three 250 toys, 250 pieces of candy, and 100 rocks.

Brad said it was too hot for his full doghouse costume, but she still wore Woodstock:
I did the full Snoopy:
We had so much fun passing out candy. Every kid was so kind and gracious, and I loved seeing all of the costumes. It was strange to know so few kids, but I don't think I will ever get tired of trick-or-treat in our neighborhood.