The second took less than a minute and was the best we've ever seen him wrestle:
He won his bracket, and Coach was very, very happy, which is always a good thing.
While we were watching wrestling, Issa and Kai went to semi-formal:
This is the only full-length picture we got, but it's better than nothing:
They had a lot of fun and ducked before their introverted selves decided it was not fun anymore.
Saturday Evan had to work the wrestling tournament all day. I went to the farmer's market with mom in the morning, and then Brad and I worked our shift at the tournament before having a date day. We did some Christmas prep and generally just enjoyed some time just the two of us, which is hard to come by these days.
Yesterday, Shannon came into town and all four of us girls went to the ballet to see Marcelo's final bow. He has long been one of our favorites, and I'm so glad we could be there to see it. Afterwards, we met the boys for PF Chang's before coming home to prep for the short work week!
We have many holiday plans this week, and I'm excited for all of the family time to come!