I'm back! I was so busy enjoying the weekend there was no time for writing. You see, yesterday we went to church, had brunch at a fabulous waffle place, hauled out the fall decorations (pictures to come), and enjoyed homemade gnocchi pomodoro on the deck for dinner. There was no time for writing. And Saturday, well Saturday may have been the highlight of Evan's life. We rode Thomas:

Pretty impressive! We saw him as soon as we arrived at the Transportation Museum. Then, after a brief time huddled under umbrellas in line, we got to ride Thomas:

Evan was clearly too excited to look at the camera. Issa made sure we sat in a Thomas seat:

By the time the conductor checked our tickets and we rode around the grounds, the rain had stopped and we were able to enjoy the rest of the Thomas events. Evan was so thrilled that the bouncy house was shaped like Thomas he didn't want to get in:

Issa didn't want to get out:

(I'm pretty proud of that picture, by the way.) Evan was thrilled to run through the hay maze:

And after a picnic lunch, we got to meet Sir Topham Hatt:

Evan wanted to show him his muscles, and Issa wanted to chat. We wanted a picture:

It was just too much for Evan. Finally, we were off to see the big engines and play with the trains, making both kids insanely happy:

(I feel the need to insert an explanation of Issa's hair. Just go with it. She has decided this is the new, cool way to do her hair. Yes...there are three ponies. Yes...I agree it looks a bit odd. No...I'm not willing to fight that battle. She's happy, and it's out of her face. It's her hair, and I now have a great picture to pull out when she's 18.)
Evan loved playing train table tucked in between huge engines:

And we were able to wave to Thomas one more time on our way out:

Local vendors, clubs, and churches also had little booths set up around the grounds. It felt like I was back at the Henry County fair, and my resistance was low. So...I
needed a funnel cake on the way out:

It was the size of my head, and it was so worth the powdered sugar all of the van. I haven't had one in years, and I did share with Brad. It was like a taste of my childhood. It made me happy.
Almost as happy as Evan's kettle corn made him:

You'll be glad to know we have some left.
I don't think my funnel cake made me quite as happy as Issa's cotton candy made her, though:

I know I heard myself say she didn't need to eat the whole thing.

That was clearly a ridiculous thought. She did love every bite.

That much excitement wears a boy out. It was a perfect day--even with the rain. The kiddos are still talking about it, and I think all the sugar has finally worn off.
And now it's the start of a whole new week. Chug, chug, choo, choo off we go!
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