You might want to grab a cup of coffee; this is a long one. The kids and I had the most perfect weekend in Baltimore visiting Aunt Shannon and Uncle Jeff. The only way to do it justice is just start at the beginning.
I picked the kids up Friday afternoon, and we headed straight to the airport. We had been talking all week about how we were going to do this since Daddy was at a conference, and they knew the plan. They actually told me the whole thing. We pulled in the parking garage, and
no one moved until I had everything unloaded. Evan rode in the front of the double stroller, his
carseat rode in
Issa's seat,
Issa walked, and I pushed the stroller and pulled the suitcase.
This is where it gets amazing. I had been praying for a smooth trip because I was more than a little nervous about flying alone with two small children. Not only did God answer that prayer, but He also did it in a huge way! To my dismay, they are redoing the airport, so we had to walk outside a lot longer and then cross three one-way roads. There was a group of businessmen in front of us, and they generously (along with numerous others) offered to carry something for me. I thanked them, but we were alright. When we came to the first road, I was telling
Issa how we were
going to cross, when one of them looked back and said, "We've got this." Those strangers made a single file line and walked--at
Issa speed--between my kids and oncoming traffic for all three roads. When we got inside, they insisted we go first so they could follow us through security in case I needed extra hands.
There's more: when we got to the ticket counter, my suitcase was a couple of pounds over. When I offered to take
Issa's booster out and check it
separately, the lady said absolutely not--close enough. (That never happens!) When we got to security, I started to fold the stroller, and
TSA told me not to bother and took it through the special gate. When we got to our gate, we sat beside a group of grandmas headed to
Batimore for a girls' weekend who were thrilled to talk with
Issa and Evan and celebrate every plane that we saw as much as Evan did. I didn't know that gate-checked strollers need a printed tag, and the Southwest gate agent noticed I didn't have one. Instead of telling me to go get one, she came over and took care of it for me. When it came time to board, we were allowed to board even earlier than expected, the plane landed early, we were at the closest gate, and our luggage arrived just as we walked into baggage claim. And...the kids' drinks came with lids on the plane. I will never fly anything besides Southwest again. Every person we interacted with went above and beyond.
All the while,
Issa and Evan were perfect travelers. Not a single fuss or whine or why. When we arrived, I was so relaxed and so proud. I would take them anywhere. If that's not an answered prayer, I don't know what is.
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Shannon came and picked us up at the airport, and we headed back to their place. They had pizza crusts waiting, along with a beautiful view of the harbor. The kids actually fell asleep watching the lights on the boats while we adults talked.
We got up Saturday morning and headed out to the aquarium.
Issa loved learning about all the sea creatures:

I really think she liked playing with the touch screen, but she did learn a lot.
Evan wanted to be sure I put this on the "bog":

He's a zebra shark and Evan's favorite.
The tanks were just amazing, with some of the biggest fish I've ever seen:

I love this picture:

Thanks for taking us to the aquarium! These two deserve a medal. They did more lifting to see fish and bouncing from tank to tank all to make the day perfect for my kiddos--love them.
Poor Uncle Jeff. He must have lifted Evan up and helped him jump down a million times.

All with a smile on is face. And look at that smile on Evan's face!
We got to see the divers feed the sting rays:

They are volunteer divers, and they are amazing! They really interacted with
Issa and made her a part of the feeding, even if she was on the other side of glass.
The crowning glory was the dolphin show:

We headed out to lunch and then back to put Evan down for a nap before we girls headed out for some dress shopping! We may have found
the dress, and
Issa got to try on dresses, too. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share that with my sister. It's one of those moments I will never forget.
We headed back for an amazing Italian dinner, followed by cupcakes and more boat watching.
Sunday morning, we enjoyed a lazy morning playing. The kids took a bubble bath that can only be described as astounding. The bubbles were inches above the top of the tub, and we had to put them in the shower to get the bubbles off after the bath.
Then, we headed out to feed the ducks:

You can't see it in this picture, but there were a ton of ducks and pigeons. The kids loved feeding them, and I am almost breathing again. I just knew one of them was going in that canal.
And I will be forever grateful for the kind stranger who offered to snap this for us:

We ended our trip with tacos, a trip to the candy store, and a mad dash to the airport. (Imagine me
literally running through the airport pushing the double stroller with both kids inside clinging to their stuffed animals for dear life. We literally walked right on the plane, but we made it!)
It truly was a perfect weekend. It was such a quick trip, but we were able to make so many, many memories. And I am such a proud mama. I could not have asked for better travelers. They were patient, minded their manners, and rolled with the punches...and I love them so very much.
Thank you, Aunt Shannon and Uncle Jeff. We love you.