Monday, September 24, 2012

Dinosaurs, Lions, and Giraffes...oh my!

We decided to take a spontaneous trip to the zoo this weekend! We love our zoo, and we were extra excited because they have a special dinosaur exhibit there right now!
To enter the zoo, we cross a long wooden bridge over a swamp, and this guy was the first critter we saw:
 I do not know how to impress upon you the size of this guy. His shell was probably about three feet long, and he was fast. The kids fell in love.

Our crew:
 There is a giraffe hiding behind Daddy. I would have the shot all lined up, and right when I snapped it the giraffe would move. We did get to see Juma, the giraffe baby, who is huge for a baby and super cute!

It was also great ape weekend, so Issa got to try her hand at making a gorilla nest:
 Brad and I were cracking up watching her make the nest. Other kids were just grabbing branches and making a pile. Issa had heard that some gorillas actually weave their nests, and so she decided to weave hers. The gorilla keeper was giggling and proclaimed it the best nest ever. Issa was very happy.

We finally made it to see the dinosaurs:
 Issa was really excited:
 As was Evan:
 I just love that face. They loved watching the dinosaurs move and listening to the sounds they think they might have made.

This was my favorite:
 Do you see all of those baby t-rexes in that pile of branches? They think the mama t-rexes used to make huge branch piles to hide their babies. For some reason, I find that hysterical.

What I did not find hysterical was getting squirted in the seat by dinosaur "venom," also known as water. As it turns out, some dinosaurs actually sprayed predators or prey with a venom, and these dinosaurs demonstrated that. I missed the sign, and I took a direct shot. My family thought it was hysterical; I did not.

It was an expedition:
 We also saw lions, gorillas, chimps, baboons, and all manner of other creatures. It was a great day!

At the end, the kids wanted to stop by the gift store with their own money that they have been earning. Issa chose this penguin:
 I finally figured it out. Issa is trying to collect four of every kind of animal she has so she has a mommy, daddy, brother, and sister. She is too cute.

Evan chose a gorilla:
He named him Akiba, which is the name of the African entrance to the zoo.

It was a great start to fall, and we have big plans to make at least one more trip before it gets too cold!

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