We are back from an incredible Easter weekend. We drove up Thursday and went straight to Brad's brother's house. We haven't stayed there recently because, well, chaos. When we get the two families together in his house, we have four adults, six kids, four dogs, four cats, and a bunny. It's a lot. But...after Christmas we all recommitted to it. If we don't stay there, the cousins don't get the kind of quality time we all want, and the quality time that we want with our nieces, nephews, brother, and sister. Plus, there is a new baby that needs snuggled. So we did it. And it was the best decision we ever made.
I don't have any pictures. Brad has some on his phone, but my time there was either spent holding Hadley or leaning over the island with my oldest three nieces and nephew. This weekend was perfect timing. Poor Hadley was having some acid reflux issues, and much of Thursday was spent letting her scream at me so poor Brian and Danielle could get a break. Thankfully, we saw a turn on Friday, and I got to see some sweet smiles. Both days, I got all kinds of bonding time with my newest niece. And in the moments I wasn't holding her, I was basking in what cool teenagers the oldest three have become. All of us standing around the island talking, laughing--brilliant. I wouldn't trade that time for anything. I am also steeling myself to play Cards Against Humanity with the oldest two next visit. I'm just not sure my heart is ready for that one.
Friday night, we drove to Napoleon. Aunt Shannon couldn't join us this year, but she sent outfits:
Evan is a weirdo:

Saturday morning, we were able to go down and visit Granddaddy. He was having a great day, and I will be forever grateful for that visit. He joked with Brad and snuggled my kiddos. I saw the same twinkle in his eye, and all was well with the world.
After a milk shake stop on the way home, we returned to color eggs:
Becca came over to help, and the magic crayons were a huge hit:
Evan spent most of his coloring time like this:
Three eggs in and he was over it.Brad made cream puffs, and I listened to Mom and him banter. The Slights and Rachel came over for dinner, and we laughed and just were together. It was lovely. And the kids were so exhausted by the end of the day they asked to go to bed.
Sunday morning, the bunny had arrived:
And Buddy the Elf even made an appearance:
And then the hunt was on:I love Evan's tongue sticking out in that one.
We nearly lost one hard boiled egg, but Issa finally found it. We are seriously considering asking the bunny to leave a sealed answer key next year.
And of course there was an Easter outfit:
It took Easter candy to get Evan to pose, but I'll take it.
It was a quick trip, but on the way home Brad and I just decided it was absolutely worth it. Happy Easter, all!
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