Thursday, May 7, 2015

My Boy

Yesterday, I survived the kindergarten zoo trip. It was actually a very fun day, but I think I found a new level of tired that can only be reached by herding six small boys through a zoo. They were great kids, but the energy level is a whole new level of extreme. They loved the animals, though, and we did notice lots of patterns just like the teacher asked. However, I'm afraid she might be a tab surprised to hear about all of the poop patterns the boys noticed.

We did have one scraped knee, which ended up getting wrapped in gauze because bandaids don't stick to sweaty, sunscreened, running legs. I also had delusions of pictures. You know what you don't have when herding six little boys? Time to take pictures.

I did get some great snuggles with my tired boy on the bus, which was particularly fabulous since it was the last time I snuggled a five year old Evan. Today is the big six, and he is so excited. We will be celebrating ninja style, and he woke to find his door streamered, Buddy with a Nutella snack for school, and the best daddy ever making beignets. It's looking like the best birthday yet.

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