The past two weeks have been a blur of wonderful activity. We had Issa's dance recital, family in town, Brad and I took our first solo vacation since our Honeymoon, and the kids wrapped up an amazing school year. I haven't been blogging about life because I've just simply been too busy living it and soaking up all of these moments. I don't want to forget them, though, so I plan to spend the next few days recapping all of the adventures.
The first big highlight was Issa's dance recital. We have since learned it was her last as a Tiny; she officially made Mini Company! She is one very excited dancer. She also had the largest cheering section at the recital:
Aunt Shannon made the trip in and somehow managed to get Evan to smile in a picture.Our whole family was of course there to see our favorite bun head shine:
Papa Don and Grandma Nancy made the trip:
As did Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Pat:
And we got the traditional Nana and her girls photo:
Even Uncle Jeff enjoyed the show a bit more this year:
And Daddy made Issa a very special necklace:

It's hard to see in the picture, but the medallion has Issa's silhouette from her first solo competition.
I love watching Issa shine on stage:
She has grown so much this year. She dances with more poise and more grace. And that smile:Dancing brings her such joy, and I know her dancing brings so much joy to others. We couldn't be more proud of our dancer, and I can't wait to see what the next season holds for this sweet girl.
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