Tuesday, August 30, 2022

First Days

We had a successful start to the school year yesterday!
Evan began his last year of middle school:
He really likes all of his teachers, but he is pretty sure school is overrated--mostly because of the having to wear shoes and get up early.

Issa started the high school portion of her junior year:

It was a bit anti-climactic since she's been going to her college class, but it was overall good. AP Environmental Science is not her favorite; mostly because the teacher keeps saying how hard college will be and how he is preparing them--she is sitting in a college class that says otherwise. It was hysterical.

They were both exhausted last night, but we have learned to keep this week really low key! Here's to a great rest of the year!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

We Are Back!

Classes started on campus yesterday, and we are moving closer to pre-pandemic life! Issa came in with me last week to reset our classrooms:

 It is so lovely to be able to work in groups and not be in rows anymore! The rooms feel like real classrooms again! It's so good to hear the hum of interactive classrooms again! Campus is back alive with residential students, and all is right in Wonderland.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

She Did It!

One step closer to freedom:
Issa earned her driver's permit this morning! I have never seen a kid study more for anything, and she was so nervous.

We arrived for her appointment, and I was able to check her in before I had to wait in the car. I sat on the passenger side assuming the best, and within 20 minutes she was at the window asking for my signature! The test is on the computer, and you have to get 20 out of 25 questions correct. They stopped her at 20 because she had gotten them all correct!

She drove from there to the bank to open a personal savings account. Turning out of the bank took ten years off my life, but that was her only blip and it wasn't terrible! She then drove to Nana's and the high school before driving home. She also drove to the studio for the first time this afternoon! She is so proud, and we are so proud of her!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Filling Our Cups

This weekend all of us got to go back to some of the things we love. Evan started doing jujitsu at the dojo, and Brad made a full return to training. Issa kicked off the dance season with her first choreo weekend, and I finally made it back to the pottery studio. I've gad to cancel the last two times because of life, and it was so good to return to pick up this piece:

 It's hand down my favorite thing I've ever made! The three pieces interlock or can be separated, and it can hold flowers or candles. 

It just felt so good to be back in the studio, and I can't wait to get back!

Friday, August 19, 2022

Gloomhaven and Sparkle Walks

Before school starts I feel the need to squeeze in extra family time. Last weekend, we finally boke our Gloomhaven:
We spent a solid hour just prepping the pieces! It is a lot like a book version of Dungeons and Dragons. We all get to play together, and the book tells us what to do. We already earned our first sticker for the board:
And we all had a blast once we figured it out:
We just cleared two rooms and have one to go in the first quest:
We've also been taking evening sparkle walks. We grad a sparkling water and go for a stroll. I love when the temperatures drop enough that we can actually walk again!

One more week and all the crazy begins!


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

A Life Well-Lived

I've been delaying this blog post--mostly because I'm still trying to find the words. Since I dropped Mom off at the airport this morning to head to Ohio again, though, it feels like it's time...

On July 27, Grandma Judy went Home to be with Grandaddy. On July 1, she had turned 95. July 6 she began to become ill, and on the 25 she went into Hospice. Those details are not important, though. What is so vital is the way she lived:
Judy was a pillar of grace. I never saw her flustered. She had the voice of an angel and a contagious laugh. She was quick to tell you, "I'm having a wonderful time!" My kids remember her love of chicken wings and her ability to completely clean them--not one scrap of meat left behind. I remember her teaching me how to walk with grace before my first homecoming and playing soccer with us as kids. We didn't always agree politically, but she respected where I stood and never tried to change my mind. She loved us fiercely and constantly reminded us how proud Granddaddy was of us. I still hear her voice often.

She is a model of how to live and how to make a graceful exit. She is greatly missed, but we are better for having been hers.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A New Chapter

Issa officially started her first college class yesterday! She is doing dual enrollment this year, so while most of her day will be at the high school she is taking one class at the community college, too! I'm super thankful she gets to do it with this sweet friend:
They were terribly amused that I needed a first day of class picture. And off they went:
The class itself went well! She likes the professor, even if his course site is all kinds of messed up. She got a smidge overwhelmed when everything wouldn't work yesterday afternoon, but once she accepted it was him and not her I think we are back on track! Fingers crossed...

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Our Castle in the Clouds

Brad and I spent last week at Smithmore Castle in Spruce Pine, NC. We had originally planned to travel to Scotland for our 20th anniversary, but with Covid and schedules it just wasn't in the cards. Instead, we settled on this castle with Scottish connections. This is the view that greeted us:
When we arrived, we took a champagne tour that ended in our room. We stayed in the Royal Tower Suite, which has a Victorian swan theme:

The chandelier had golden swans:
This big soaking tub was delightful:

And here is the room's other namesake:

We had our own balcony with this glorious view:
And the food was incredible. Our first dinner was this salad with goat cheese, candied walnuts, and lemon pearls:
Truffled chicken with saffron rice and oyster mushrooms:
And strawberry shortcake:
And we ended the first day with this gorgeous sunset from our balcony:
We had our breakfasts on this gorgeous balcony:
Things like deviled eggs:
Cottage cheese with fresh fruits and nuts:
It was all delicious, but I won't post every plate, although I have photos of every plate. Brad was thrilled by that process:
Tuesday morning we explored the castle and grounds. The entry way is quite a statement:

We walked down to the event space and found a lovely swinging bench with a view of the valley:
I loved this courtyard:
And all the gargoyles lurking about:
But mostly I loved exploring it all with this guy:
I also very much loved our charcuterie lunches:
And learning to shoot a Mongolian long bow. This is my target:
Brad looked much shooting:
Most of the week we just spent relaxing, reading, talking. Our days were planned around meals--that's it. It was exactly what we needed, and I'm looking forward to another twenty years:


Monday, August 1, 2022

Girls' Weekend

The boys headed west for Mountain Quest with the dojo this weekend, so Issa and had a big girls' weekend!

Friday, we went to see one of her teammates as a Napkin in Beauty and the Beast:
She was also a townsperson and wolf, but the napkin role was her favorite. It was the first time our community theatre was able to perform since pre-Covid, so it was great to support them!

Saturday morning, we made a road trip to IKEA! Our kitchen chairs finally gave up on being chairs, so we needed some new ones. We managed to get six in the back of the car:

We did some book shopping and pasta eating before coming home to set them all up:
Inks immediately decided the chairs were comfy:
And Buddy was happy to supervise the work:
Issa was a beast and did 95% of the work:
We love the new chairs, and I love that we have a couple extra seats at the table permanently now!
Sunday, Issa decided she wanted to redesign her room. It now feels way bigger, and her bed feels all cozy and tucked in:
She also did a major purge on her shelves so she has more room for books:
It has been a long time since we have had a whole weekend just us, and we had so much fun. We listened to angsty music and watched shows the boys would never sit through. It was a great weekend!