Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Kindness of Strangers

 To say this is a crazy week is an understatement. We have our on-campus national accreditation visit for our education program yesterday through Wednesday and I am co-chairing a state conference Wednesday-Friday. Everything is going very well, but it's a lot!

Yesterday, I had to pick my accreditation team up from the airport. As we were leaving, my driver's side window wouldn't go down, so I had to open the door to insert the paid parking ticket so we could leave. What I didn't realize at the time is that my wallet fell out of the door pocket when I did that.

When we got to their hotel, I realized what had happened. I called airport security and left a message, and then called Brad. He was incredibly kind considering he has told me a million times not to put my wallet there. We made a plan to start calling and cancelling everything.

No sooner had we hung up than Issa called me. The car behind me had seen what happened, picked up my wallet, and DROVE IT TO MY HOUSE! I like to think I am very kind; I would have returned the wallet to security. I can't imagine taking the time to drive it to the owner. I am so incredibly grateful, and it was a wonderful reminder of all the good that is still in the world.

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