Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What a Weekend

Issa came home last weekend so we could celebrate her birthday:
I was so excited to get her room all ready for her:
She stayed on campus Friday night, but she met Mom and I for lunch and shopping Saturday. It is so fun to listen to her college adventures and see her settling into her new life. 

Saturday night, we had her birthday celebration. After giving Evan grief for not wrapping her presents last year, Issa was surprised by a shark package this year:

It's been her nickname for Evan, and we were all shocked Evan went to such lengths. That was followed by the fashion show of birthday clothes:

Her big gift from us is her first tattoo (scheduled for September 15 after she is officially 18), but we couldn't let the day go without out package. We assembled some favorite dorm snacks, and she was a little too excited about the mac and cheese cups:

I don't remember the last time the five of us laughed that hard. The whole night was just hysterical, especially when Mom and I were giving Brad and hard time about the cake cutting so he went with a Matisse inspired design for the second half of the cake. 

Sunday, the four of us hunkered down for our first fall day. Issa wanted to haul out the Halloween decorations, so Evan did. We watched movies and just enjoyed the time together.

Monday, Kai and Nana joined us again for a Labor Day cookout before Issa headed back to campus.

I cried after she left. I don't think it will ever get easier to watch her pull out of the driveway, but it was such a fun weekend of being together. 


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