Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What a Week

Last year, the College asked me to apply to the HERS Institute. It is an intensive leadership conference for women in higher education. I takes place over three long weekends on a historic farm in Virginia.

When I arrived Wednesday, this was my welcoming crew:

I saw many deer over the weekend, but this is the first time I have even seen a heron in the snow.

My room as in the lodge, and I appreciated it's lack of internet:

Room time was truly rest and recharge time, which was so needed. The days were packed 7:30am to 8:00pm. I learned so much about the logistics of higher ed, but it was also a chance to do a lot of reflection and think about what might be next for me.

I also met a lot of new friends. The conference is really more of an experience, and this network will be something I am part of forever. It reminds me so much of HOBY for adult women.

I had another small victory while I was there. I got up and went to the gym every morning:

We got weights for Christmas, and Brad's brother designed a plan for us. It's been almost a month of me lifting now, and I didn't let the conference break my rhythm! 

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