Monday, February 24, 2025

What a Weekend

 We had a super busy weekend after a quiet few snow days.

Issa came home for the weekend, and we spent Friday evening just the four of us catching up.

Saturday, Issa and I went back to campus for Scholars' Weekend. It is always fun to meet the students who will be joining us next year, and I love having some informal time with our current students. In my current role, I don't have as much of that as I would like!

Evan spent Saturday afternoon and evening with his friends, and Issa was with Kai and his family celebrating his birthday. So, Brad and I finally got to have our Valentine's Day date! It's been so nuts lately that it was really nice to have some time just the two of us.

Yesterday, I started the day with a former student coming over for brunch. She is like a big sister to Issa, and she is dangerously close to finishing her PhD. It's always fun to hang out with her, and I love listening to her banter with both of my kids.

Mom, Issa, and I also went to the ballet. They have a new choreographer who is playing with movement in silence, which is super cool. She is doing the whole program next month, and I can't wait!

This was just the kind of soul-filling weekend I needed. I have a short week before I head out to HERS, so it's going to be a blur!

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