This is my sweet boy who makes this crazy face when he winks. (His eye never does completely close--this is the whole wink.) This is my sweet boy who nods his head when he coughs because he knows I am about to ask if he is okay. This is my sweet boy who loves balls, trains, fish, and dogs--especially dogs. This is my sweet boy who says, "You too!" as soon as I finish saying, "I love you." This is my sweet boy who has two speeds: running and asleep. This is my sweet boy who keeps running even after he bumps his head, knee, nose, or anything else and only fusses about it if I make him put an icepack on the bump. This is my sweet boy who puts all of his toys behind the armoire and occasionally makes me crazy. This is my sweet boy who will eventually really wink and will have the nerve to grow up, but for now I will enjoy this crazy face and laugh and pretend he will always be my little boy.
Oh SOOOOO sweet!! he is definitely growing up TOOOOO fast!