There were so many things I didn't capture on the camera there. My favorite: we took the kids to see a drive through light display--8 million lights strong--with Papa Don and Grandma Nancy. It was so fun to see the kids eyes light up brighter than the lights. I love seeing the magic through their eyes.
Eventually, we headed North to Nana and Papa's house. Her tree needed decorating, and I had a little girl that was all too happy to help:
And of course, just like on Daddy's side, there were gifts. Some of them, though, were a little extra special--a demo CD from an older cousin:
I love that my little musician has such an awesome role model in Kaitlin. I have no delusions that we will be cutting our own demo someday, but I love that Issa can see an example of how to dream big, practice hard, and stay so grounded at the same time. I'm telling you, someday we are going to be able to say we knew this girl when...
My boys in their hoodies:
Of course, we had to get ready for Santa and his reindeer. Tree cakes, carrots, and reindeer food (oatmeal, glitter, and sprinkles):
A picture with the Santa gifts--three each, just like the Magi brought Jesus:
The angels were even willing to pose with Mom and Aunt Shannon on Christmas morning:
Santa brought Issa the much anticipated ear muffs:
And Evan received his motorcycle:
Unfortunately, the motor cycle had to be sent back to the North Pole. We decided Buddy the elf built it (ten points for the movie reference), and Evan went with it. I was so proud of him.'s back and good as new!
Turned into this big extended family:

And wild moments for little cousins:
Give some kids some beanbags and a couple of uncles, and you will have a tower:
Before lunch, we all settled into Christmas clothes. Our little family:
Three women that could take on the world together:
The whole family (minus some early departures and nappers):
And then a week of enjoying. I found myself teary often, grateful for the time. Time to be with extended family, like Tyler the Huge:
How many high school boys would let two little cousins climb all over him every day--even bringing his girl friend over to make cookies. And his older sister who arranged her life around lunch with my kids. I love hearing little voices whine, "Mo-om, Evan isn't sharing Tyler."
Time to create crafts, make messes, read stories, and just play. Time to catch snowflakes on tongues:
Time to throw snow patties in half an inch of snow--a blizzard to my Southern babies:
Time to throw poppers and pop party poppers because, well, why not? Uncle Jeff might just be the King of Good Ideas after all:
And time to laugh:
What kid wouldn't love to find this waiting in their bed? I love hearing my kids belly laugh, and I loved watching my family laugh with them. It was those moments that leave me a little homesick right now, but above all I am feeling so very, very blessed.
And to unpack and organize, remembering each moment as we tuck toys away and share a few more snuggles before reality returns.
My boys in their hoodies:
The Luzny side gathered for Christmas morning in our coordinating pajamas, keeping with tradition. It's hard to believe that this group of cousins:

It was loud and crazy, but there were still quiet moments for siblings:

Time to create crafts, make messes, read stories, and just play. Time to catch snowflakes on tongues:
And to unpack and organize, remembering each moment as we tuck toys away and share a few more snuggles before reality returns.