After the parade, we decked the outside of our halls! We finally invested in artificial greenery for the front porch. It is prelit, and it went up so much more easily:
Do you see something odd in this picture:
With the porch finished, we moved on to our little herd of deer. We have a love hate relationship with our herd: I love them and Brad hates them:
Evan was Daddy's little helper in the process, though:
Do you see something odd here?
Yep...the kids switched bikes for a while:
I am desperate for snow right now, but it is so nice to decorate outside while it's warm and the kids can play without six million layers.
The finished product:
After dinner, we set off for the Santa Train! It's a tradition at our museum, and we were all so excited!
The first stop is always face painting:
Evan wasn't interested in the face paint this year, but the train was a huge hit:
I will be forever grateful to the volunteer that snapped this picture for us!
Usually, the train is rerouted to the North Pole for the event, but this year Santa was kind enough to fly in to a special landing pad at the museum. Issa asked Santa for a pair of earmuffs:

The first stop is always face painting:
Usually, the train is rerouted to the North Pole for the event, but this year Santa was kind enough to fly in to a special landing pad at the museum. Issa asked Santa for a pair of earmuffs:
Evan asked Santa for a motorcycle:
There is nothing more magical than seeing Santa through the eyes of your children. They were both so excited, and I won't soon forget the sparkle in Issa's eyes as we pulled away. We saw Rudolph's nose flying through the trees, and she was just beside herself. We had saved Santa's evening by sending him home.
The wonderful day was a fabulous antidote for a rough night. The kids and I all fought a stomach bug, and poor Brad had to take care of all three of us. We seem to be on the mend, so I think it's time to start trimming a tree!
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