Monday, June 24, 2013

A Big Weekend for our Little Man

Evan had quite the weekend!

Friday, he and I dropped Issa off and then embarked on our date day. He had earned enough pebbles to go to the museum, and we had probably the best day we have ever had there. I love our museum, and I love going with the whole family. is also really nice to go one on one. I love being able to follow one of my kiddos and see what we discover. We had a really lucky day, too! We started the day at our dinosaur trail, and we had the entire trail to ourselves. We found some great shark teeth, and then headed out to drive the sailboats, which we also had to ourselves. Then, we ventured out to see the lemurs, and we really scored. We were able to watch the keepers prep the outside environment for the lemurs, and then we got to see the lemurs come out and explore. Then, we got to see the environment inside prepped and the lemurs come in there. And, we got to see the keeper do the target training and wellness checks with the lemurs. It was so cool. Even I was fascinated. After the lemurs were about their ordinary day, we went to see the bears and farmyard, where everyone was very playful and anxious to say hello. In short, it was a perfect morning for Evan. We decided to eat there, and managed to score a table beside a giant caterpillar eating a plant outside. We munched while watching him munch. It really doesn't get any better.

Evan chatted and was just Evan, and I loved being able to give him my undivided attention for a whole day. He is so funny--truly funny. He also noticed anything alive, and I loved seeing the wonder in his eyes and listening to him process what he was saying. I'll be a little sad when that exploration becomes more internal, so I'm soaking it in now.

Grandma Pat came in for a visit this weekend, and just when Evan thought it couldn't get any better we all went to see Monster's U, which was Evan's first movie in a theater. He loved the whole experience and did great! He is already planning the next movie date.

I guess you could say it was a pretty big weekend for our little man, and I am so glad I got to be a part of it.

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