Thursday, June 20, 2013

Apology Unsent

Dear Mr. Will,

First and most importantly, thank you so much for being such an incredible camp teacher this week. Issa has loved being one of your Nature Kids, and she is learning so much without even realizing it. In her words, "You rock!"

I wish this was a simple thank you, but unfortunately I need to apologize to you. I am so sorry for allowing Issa to bring in a dead bumble bee for Insect Day today. It really was an accident. I blame it entirely on my very zen-like state after an amazing yoga practice this morning combined with a lack of coffee, which I delayed until my commute so that I could sweep and mop this morning. It is a deadly combination, Mr. Will, that leaves me unable to process and respond quickly--much less ask critical questions.

It all started very innocently. Issa was playing outside and discovered a very dead bumble bee that was in perfect condition. When she asked for a box, I thought she wanted to save it to show Daddy tonight. When I handed her the little gold earring box, complete with cotton batting, I had no idea her intentions. I didn't make the connection until I saw her beaming face proclaiming, "Mr. Will is going to love this for insect day."

At that point, it was just too late. The bee was carefully boxed, and I could not think of a single solid reason to crush her little soul. I understand not everyone is as enthusiastic about dead bumble bees, though, and if it created any undue chaos I am truly sorry. But also, welcome to my world, and further, I think you are an awesome enough teacher to embrace the moment--I hope.

A somewhat contrite and very grateful,

Issa's Mom

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