Monday, August 19, 2013

Getting There

I feel like I'm starting to settle into the new normal. I know school starting next week will alter that normal again, but I'm adjusting to the new pace and rhythm.
Friday I was in an all day meeting, picked Issa up in time to run to the last day of boot camp, attended my first Company parent meeting (during which my head nearly exploded with information and dates), and then came home to have pizza with the family. Saturday, the kiddos and I went to the grocery while Daddy went to the "don't be a jerk" meeting for soccer. I met my freshmen Saturday afternoon, and I came home to hang out with the family a bit. Sunday, we went to see Planes, and the kids actually asked me to take a picture--a wondrous thing:
When we came home, I cleaned out my closet while Brad mowed. I finished the housework that didn't get finished this week (including paying bills and booking hotel rooms for competitions), and Brad and I had the big calendar planning meeting for the week and semester. It's doable. It's a little nuts, but it's doable. And...I'm less stressed. I think just realizing I can do it--we can do it--and that we still have family time is a huge relief. For now, though, I better get back to it!

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