Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What I Wish...

Yesterday, we got the official notice of all of the dates to get Issa registered for high school. I feel like yesterday I was registering her for kindergarten, but I blinked and here we are. And we are ready.

I was texting with a friend about the notice yesterday, and we were  talking about all of the adventures high school will hold: dual enrollment, homecomings, proms. A first date made the list, which of course made us fast-forward. My friend asked what I hoped for in a husband for Issa someday, and we made the usual list: sense of humor, someone who will know her well enough to support her and challenge her, blah blah blah.

But as I was loading the dishwasher last night, I realized what I really want: I want someone who knows she likes a little fork.

Issa has this weird quirk where she prefers to eat dinner with a salad fork. I don't get it, but it is what it is. As I was putting that little fork in the dishwasher, I realized I want someone to pay attention to those little details she will never mention and just set out a small fork when he sets the table. If he does that, I will know everything else will fall into place because he's paying attention.

For now, though, I think we'll just worry about high school classes....

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