Thursday, October 28, 2021

An Open Letter to my Students

 Good morning, Friends...

I fell asleep and woke up thinking about you. Here is what I want you to know:

Being a teacher is hard, and until you have done it you truly don't understand just how hard it is. We plan engaging lessons for students who are in different places with different interests and different motivations. We keep them safe physically and emotionally. We teach them how to be human--kind and empathetic and hopefully wise. We prepare them for a world beyond our classrooms that they can't even imagine yet. We make a million decisions every day, and we carry the weight of those with us. It's a heavy load.

There is also a lot of light. We also get to see those lightbulb moments. We see kids finally understand a concept. We celebrate every accomplishment with them, and we know when something is an accomplishment and when kids are just phoning it in. We push them to be their best without breaking them. We free spirits and tame egos. You can't see it yet, but you will eventually see them live out their dreams and you know deep in your very being that you are part of that story. They don't always come back and tell you, but you remember.

It's all heavy now because you aren't at the light yet. But I have the absolute honor of being at the light. I'm there with you in the heavy, but I am also seeing your lightbulb moments. I have seen you move from students to teachers this semester. I have witnessed your tears when you realize that you regret a decision, and that's how I know you are good teachers. You know the real gravity of our work. I have witnessed the changes in lessons because you know  your kids and you know what moves to make so they get it. You are so close to living out your dreams, and I will be right there celebrating your every accomplishment.

Friends, the Universe chose a crazy time to make you teachers. Believe me when I say even we veterans are struggling this year. The load is heavier, but the reward is also so much greater. The light is coming.

We can do hard things one next right thing at a time, and you are not alone.


Dr. B.

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