Monday, October 23, 2023

What a Weekend

Friday night was our first without a football game. We made pizzas and I fell asleep on the couch before nine. I'm grateful for the rest because the rest of the weekend was a blur of fun!

Saturday, I went to a former student's baby shower:
This is a class that I was particularly close to, and I love celebrating these milestones with them!

As soon as I got home, we headed for the fair. We drove two and half hours before we bailed on the fair! It should have been a 30 minute drive, but the weather had been cruddy the past two weekends and it seems the entire state attempted the fair on Saturday. We had all been hoping for arepas at the fair, so we just pivoted and went to our favorite arepa restaurant. The kids also learned how to play My Father Owns a Grocery Store and the Alphabet Game. I kept saying we were making core memories, and I stand by that. I will especially remember laughing so hard I snorted and couldn't catch my breath when they only brought us two forks; Brad was so stymied me managed to shoot juice into his eye.

The only other thing Evan really wanted was a deep fried Oreo, so Brad made them:

I'm still mad at how much I love these little bites:
Sunday was our annual trip to carve pumpkins with goats:
Kai joined the fun this year:

Brad was convinced I was going to catch a horn, but I got some great goat selfies:
Nana made an extra happy pumpkin:
Brad made a goat:
Issa and Kai went very different directions:
And we are still not sure what to call Evan's:
This little goat hung with us the whole time:
And the highland cows were still a huge hit:
This year we also laughed too hard and Kai and Evan trying to do the ball toss:
Last night, Evan built us a lovely fire for roasting hotdogs:

It was a perfect fall fun day, and it was just what my heart needed.

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