Monday, February 26, 2024

Big Weekend!

Issa had a very big weekend! Friday afternoon, Brad and I took she and Kai to vote for the first time:
We were masked up because Evan had Covid last week. We only tested because the high school sent an email saying they had a major cluster, and Evan's English teacher had announced she would be out all week. It turns out what we thought was allergies was, indeed, Covid. He never had more than a sniffle, and he did not mind hunkering down in his room and having his favorite foods delivered. He is back to school today, and all is well!

We were so proud of how they researched their ballots, and the elections crew made a huge deal of their first time voting, insisting we get a picture of them at the ballot box:

They also thought they were twins, which was hilarious.

Sunday, we had our first dance competition of the season:

A month ago, we weren't sure Issa would be able to dance. Thanks to a great sports med team and amazing teachers who helped her slowly return to dance, she not only danced but she crushed it yesterday. We will get the photos and videos, but I have never seen her so relaxed and truly happy on stage. She had so much fun. I'm not going to lie: I sobbed through her jazz number. The last time I watched it she went down, and it was so scary to watch her going into that lunge again.

And, her team won top studio:

The look between she and Stephanie--I'm so glad someone caught it on film. Issa was the first Monarch, and this season of lasts is something special:
It was a long day, but I'm so grateful that it was a healthy, fabulous day.

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