Last weekend, we had our own little egg hunt around here. I know these pictures are late in coming, but they were too cute not to post. We did the early hunt as part of a negotiation to not attend the neighborhood hunt. Last year, it was just full of a little too much drama for my taste (as in toddlers having to put eggs back if they picked up more than 12--really?). So, this was our compromise with Issa. She was thrilled. Mom and Dad hid the eggs and they got to hunt. As long as the eggs were filled and she got to practice for the Easter Bunny, she was happy. (It was while were were hiding that she
cut her hair.) Evan had no idea what we were talking about, but as long as Issa was excited so was he.

I love that they both wore their ears to hunt--so cute!

The highlight of the hunt was the squinkies inside some of the eggs. Squinkies are the new preschool collectible. That is all that I can tell you about them. They are small, roughly animal shaped things. I don't think they really do anything, but they are apparently super exciting. And yes...this pitcher is way too big for the squinkies, but Issa wanted something fancy and I wanted something plastic. Voila! Compromise. It might be ridiculous, but that's just how we roll around here.

Here is a close up of a squinkie. I wanted to capture their ridiculousness so that someday when Issa is complaining about some new thing her child wants, I can show her this picture and laugh as all the chickens come home to roost.
Love it! I think my mom held onto some of my old toys for that exact reason.