Brace yourselves...this is a long one. Last night was one of those perfect family nights. We ate a lovely stir fry dinner without any spills or negotiations, and then Daddy decided we should bake peanutbutter cookies. Daddy has become the superior dessert chef in our house. I still claim the title of cake queen, but anything else is his domain. We all baked together, and we just had a blast--no other way to say it. (I made the crew pose for this one.)

Please notice the goobery "cheese" faces. They are just begging to be embarrased with future significant others when they do that. The baking was going swimmingly at this point.

Then somehow the flour bowl got knocked to the floor. Miraculously, it landed like this. It really could have been worse!

Issa insisted on sweeping it all up. She then insisted that she was going to sweep the kitchen every night. Who am I to argue?

Yep...we let Evan lick the beater...

...and Issa got the spoon. I did it as a kid and I'm still alive and kicking!

The finished cookies were yummy...

...and the sweet moments with these sweet kiddos (and a sweet husband) were better than any cookies ever could be.
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