I started teaching my summer class last night. It's Education in Society, which is a love of mine. It's also my first graduate level class, which is really exciting. Class last night was amazing. I have 12 teachers in my class, and they were open and insightful. We asked big questions, and we'll spend the next six weeks asking even more. It was wonderful.
Then I rushed to my car to call the kids and say goodnight. It's a poor substitute for hugs and good night snuggles. I need a duplicator; I need to be in two places at the same time. I know I am so blessed to have a job I love and a family to come home to every day. I tuck my kids in six nights a week--something I know many parents long for. It's one of those tensions that has no easy answer. So I'll tuck them in a little tighter tonight, and I'll turn their beds down again next week. And I'll rest easy in the knowledge that they know I love them--always--no matter what.
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