Yesterday was the absolute perfect spring break day. We surprised the kids with a trip to the zoo, but the major surprise was Brad took the day off, too:
We are really loving the zoo in these Covid times. They are limiting capacity, so everything is less crowded and so much quieter. It means the animals are coming a little close to the front, and we got to see some really cool animal encounters yesterday. We saw the elk released on their habitat, and watching them run and graze so close to us was amazing. We also saw one of the red wolves with a huge joint:
I didn't take a ton of pictures, but the giraffe and ostrich were just too perfect:

Issa loved the ostrich and needed her picture taken with her:
Dad wanted to match the pose:
And I insisted on the team shot:
When we got home, the kids set up the new inflatable pool that was Monday's surprise:
We had looked for one all season last year, but there were none to be had. I snagged this one as soon as I saw it! The decided to try each other's "thing." The dancers:
And the ninjas:
With dinner, we watched Secrets of the Zoo, which was filmed at our zoo. It is so cool to see a place you love behind the scenes, and one of our favorite zoo guides is the narrator!
Before bed, we all finished our D&D characters for a game we plan to start this weekend:
It truly was a perfect day. We all laughed so hard, and it was just lovely to enjoy the nice weather and slow down a bit.