Even Issa and I can only watch replays of the royal wedding so many times (at least without a break), so we decided to plant the rest of our garden yesterday afternoon. A few important notes:
- Compostable, plantable pots should not have plastic wrappers--it seems to defeat the purpose.
- If you give a toddler a hose, you will get wet.
- Girls can do anything boys can do.
- Never, ever, ever allow the toddler to carry a pot half full of dirt.
Let me explain. The kids and I went to pick up the plants that we don't start from seed yesterday. We ended up getting tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, peppers, and mint. We pot
the tomatoes and mint, but the rest go straight in the garden. We were able to get all of the plants in the plantable pots, and Issa decided she really wanted to take the plastic off herself and plant them. My job was to dig the holes. As I was digging, I looked up just in time to see a pot explode in Issa's hands. I have no idea what happened, but the whole bottom was shredded, she was covered in dirt, and the plastic was still in tact. I looked at Evan, and he cracked up, which meant I cracked up, which meant we had a very unhappy Issa. She alternated fussing at the pot and us. We finally did get all of the plants in the ground, though, and Evan watered them in--and watered us in, too.

Issa remembered Papa Rich gave us a bee house at Easter, and she was a little sad Daddy wasn't there to hang it that moment. I said I could hang it, to which she responded, "But we need a drill and you're a girl." I will not have that! I found the drill, the bit, the screws, and up it went! We are waiting for our little Mason Bee friends to move in and pollinate, and Issa was impressed!

Here is the finished product. We already thinned out the peas and beans, and the potatoes and carrots are growing really well, too! Here's hoping everything else takes off. Just after we finished admiring our handiwork, we walked into the kitchen and realized Evan had left a trail of dirt from the garage to the back door--a large trail. Issa got the brooms, and as we were all sweeping Evan managed to spill his juice in the pile of dirt. Ug. As I was trying to decide how to tackle that little mess, I hear Issa pray, "Jesus, we're okay. But I think we might need a little help because I think Mom might be about to lose it." From her lips to God's ears! It was just the laugh I needed at the moment.