Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Biltmore Birthdays

We had a great girls' weekend away! Shannon came into town last week, and Aunt Carol flew in to surprise Shannon on Thursday. Friday, all we girls--Issa was excited to be deemed big enough--took off to Biltmore to celebrate Mom and Shannon's birthdays!

When we arrived on Friday, the weather was gorgeous and perfect for checking out the farmyard:
There were so many baby goats, including these cuties who were less than 24 hours old:
We spent Friday introducing Carol to the Village, and we were very excited to take a picture in this Monet painting:
Their special exhibition right now is about the Impressionists, and it was fun to see those inspirations throughout the estate all weekend.

We started Saturday with a hearty breakfast before braving the 14-degree temperature and 40 miles per hour wind:

We were very glad to get into the house:
The floral arrangements were just gorgeous, and it was fun to see so many fires in the hearths and hear the organ playing:

We went from the house to the exhibit and then went back to the hotel for some bubbles:
Issa's was a Shirley Temple!

We had an amazing dinner at the Bistro, completed with birthday truffles:

Sunday morning, we had a slow start and ended our stay in the Conservatory:
All of the spring blooms were just beautiful:

It was a fun weekend with a lot of laughter, and we came home to an Italian birthday dinner prepared by Chef Brad:
I'm always grateful for these little weekends away, and it's so fun that Issa is big enough to come along now!

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