Monday, June 26, 2023

My Achilles Heel

 I can count on one hand the number of things I just absolutely cannot do. Most things I will at least attempt badly many, many times. And in parenting, I've never hit a wall. Until now. We finally found my Achilles Heel: I cannot teach driving. Period.

Issa is a really good driver, but I absolutely cannot be the one in the passenger seat on the highway. In fact, I can't even be in the back seat.

She is scheduled to get her license in August, so we are trying to get those last hours in and get more major highway driving in. Brad insisted we all go yesterday. I closed my eyes in the backseat and cried as she merged from 147 onto 40 and then onto Wade. It's an interchange I hate, and I just couldn't watch while she did it--even though she did great merging across five lanes of traffic.

I finally figured out why I just can't, though. I have spent 16 years keeping her safe. When she is driving, I am so worried about the other drivers I just can't deal. If I'm not in the car, I feel totally fine with her driving. I just can't be a passenger...and I told her I will likely still have to be the driver when she is 30.

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing mom, and I'm very happy to take care of the driving instruction given that you've done basically everything else. ;)
