Monday, March 23, 2020

Days 5-7: A Lovely Weekend

We truly had a lovely weekend around here. We are taking this social distancing really seriously. No play dates. No street parties. But we are venturing out into nature more, and we are really trying to support as many local places as we can.

Friday, we took part of our lunch break to walk the Riverwalk to our favorite ice cream place:
 Evan was super excited about the photo.

 Both kids finished their entire work plans last week:

We are so proud of the way they have adapted to this idea of school at home. If they are still rocking it by the end of this week we decided Friday can be a school pajama day.

The only people we are still seeing are Mom and Shannon, so Friday night the kids went over there for their usual Nana night. Brad and I ordered in from our favorite Italian place here in town. It's been amazing to see how our local restaurants are adapting to no in house seating. The food was fabulous, and it felt good to support local.

Saturday, when we picked up the kids, we decided to hike Occaneechee Mountain. We have always talked about doing it, and we finally just made it happen:

 It was about 2.4 miles around the loop, and the views were beautiful. We are talking about making it a weekly hike.

Saturday afternoon, Issa and I walked the neighborhood to find all of the paper flowers for the scavenger hunt. We had so much fun finding them all and then creating a sheet for families to carry around the neighborhood:
  When we were sitting on our porch, we saw some people out doing the hunt, which was so fun!

Saturday and Sunday we went to Mom's house for dinner, but the rest of the time we really just tried to relax and find cozy things to do inside. Inks is not so sure about all of the extra attention:
She wants to be around us, but sometimes she hides under the blankets.

I hauled out some half-finished craft projects. I added about an inch to a hat I'm knitting for Issa, and I hauled Evan's stocking back out:
I have made a very cozy nest in my chair in my room, and I'm setting a goal to spend more time there this week than I do checking news sites.

Week two of school started smoothly this morning. The new normal is feeling more normal, and we are looking forward to another week of being together.

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