Monday, November 9, 2020

Days 220-221: Breathing

Saturday was a day. I spent most of it spontaneously bursting into tears.

The past four years have been exhausting. It has felt like everyday was a high alert. Who was threated next? What policy did we need to work against? What did we need to lobby for? So many people I love have been in very real fear, and I didn't realize how much I was holding that fear, too, until the AP called the presidential election. The flurry of texts over the next few hours were cathartic and humbling. 

The news was announced when Issa was at dance, and I got to tell her when I picked her up. Cue the tears all over again. The look on her face when she realized a woman would be one step away from the Oval for the first time. Every time I see a new glass ceiling shatter I celebrate for all women but especially my daughter. 

When the kids realized that every vote did matter. When states flipped. When they saw, again, that we were part of advocacy efforts that mattered and made a difference, cue the tears all over again. I hope they never forget that feeling and that it continues to spur them towards advocacy and activism.

Hearing articulate speeches from leaders trying to be role models, trying to bring the country together. Were they my first picks--nope. Are they perfect--nope. But I felt hope again. 

And the exhaustion. I slept harder Saturday night than I have in a long time. 

But when I woke up Sunday, there was a new energy. We still have so much work to do as a country, but we can do it. And we have the leadership to make it possible again. Onward...


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