Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Mask in the Room

 You may have noticed Issa was wearing a mask in some of her birthday pictures. After avoiding it for over two years, Issa and I managed to get Covid last week. The Saturday we went to AR Workshop for her birthday, I woke up with a bit of a scratchy throat, which I blamed on allergies. By the time we got home, I was tired and took a nap. Brad woke me up for dinner, but I went back to sleep. When I woke up on Sunday, I felt like I had been hit by a truck and tested positive. I isolated in our room and bathroom, and Brad brought trays of food to the door. I had a really sore throat (which led to a bit of a cough) and was exhausted, but thankfully that was the extent of it.

Tuesday morning, I got an isolation buddy:

Issa had zero symptoms, but she tested positive. It was much more fun to have a buddy. She was able to keep up with her school work, and we did a lot of binge watching. She also cleaned out my drawers, closet, and jewelry box! 

I could go into the out Friday, so I took over some of the meal running. Issa could come out Sunday. Today is the first day I don't have to mask at home, and Issa will be all the way clear on Friday! Thankfully, both boys avoided it.

Issa and I are still recovering. My throat and voice are still not 100%, and we both get tired pretty easily. 

Covid is a funny thing. We have no idea where we picked it up. Everyone I talked to has had a slightly different experience, and we are feeling very lucky that our cases were as mild as they were. We are so ready to get back to normal!

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