Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day 59: Firsts and Lasts

Yesterday was just a weird day.

Issa started her first virtual Company auditions. She received videos of the combos, and she will record herself doing them and send them back. Saturday, her ballet audition will be live via Zoom. In true Issa fashion, she is doing one combo a day, and she started with the most difficult yesterday. She worked so hard to learn and clean it, and then we moved furniture so she could go full-out and I could video. When we finished, she cried. She did really, really well, but it didn't feel right. "This is when we are supposed to be in a giant cuddle puddle complaining about how everything hurts."

My heart broke. I am so, so grateful that the studio is finding ways to keep them dancing, but I know it's so hard to not see her dance family. It's just hard.

Then, I went to my last every elementary PTSA meeting. I'm not going to lie: I am not sad about that. I feel like I've been doing elementary for forever, and I'm tired. It's time for someone else to run that race, and I was more than happy to pass that baton. I will absolutely miss the school and especially the teachers, but I'm so over elementary. One more month...

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