Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Day 72: Giggles

When this whole thing started in March, we kept normal bed times, assuming we would be heading back to school and not wanted to be too far out of the routine. When they announced school was closing for the year, though, we made a deal with the children. If they are ahead on their work at the end of the day, they can stay up later and sleep in a little longer. They both love this new plan.

The end result, though, is most days they work ahead, so they get to stay up later. The only hitch is I am toast by about 9:30 these days. I tell them goodnight and make good choices and crash.

Last night, as I was drifting off, I could hear the two of them in Issa's room giggling hysterically. I have no idea what was so funny, but after the Monday night we had, it was just so, so good to hear such laughter. I am also so grateful that they are so close. They have their moments, but most of the time they are thick as thieves, and I hope that never changes.

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