Monday, March 5, 2018

Who Knew...

Brad was going through some old digital files this weekend, and he came across a treasure trove of old photos. These were among some of my favorites:
 That is Dr. Carmen Trisler, the woman I accidentally worked for throughout my undergraduate career. We couldn't have been more different. She was a science person--entomology to be specific--and I was an English major who was afraid of bugs--a fear I quickly got over when I TAed the class. She was a fan of blue and black, and I was forever in pink or lavendar. He greatest act of love was buying a lavendar dress to wear to my wedding. I was hyper type-A and she was a piler.

But oh did we laugh:
I love that picture! It's clearly a serious moment, but she and I can't quite keep it together.

When I shared her office, I thought I would be a high school English teacher for the rest of my life. When we were writing grants at the last minute, I never imagined I would be writing my own someday. When I watched her advise students and handle counseling students out of ed, I never imagined I would be doing the same. When I tried to straighten her piles and help her prioritize, I never imagined have a graduate assistant doing the same for me.

I never imagined the career I have now, but I am so very, very grateful I have her as a model. I think of Dr. T. a million times a day, usually as I'm chuckling about a deadline flying at me at warp speed. I find myself following the path she laid before me, and it's an amazing path to follow.

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