Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Some Things Never Change

Last Sunday Brad and I did something a little crazy. We went out to dinner. On a Sunday night. At 8:00. I don't remember the last time we ate dinner that late. We had to memorialize the moment:

It wasn't just a whim that took us out so late. Jamie was in town for a conference, and that was the one window we could all manage to make the schedules align:
 It's hard to believe that 22 years ago she is the one who shoved Brad and I together. The three of us were high school friends. She was my bridesmaid. We now have four children  and more career changes that we can count between us. We never dreamed when we were sitting at a bowling alley in Northwest Ohio that we would be meeting two decade later for Indian food in downtown Durham. So much has changed for all of us.

What hasn't changed, though, is our friendship. We keep in touch, but we only see each other every few years. When we do it's like nothing has changed. I am so grateful for this friendship.

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