This blog won't capture the major milestones of life. Instead, this is the place where I hope to capture the little day to day realities of life...the little things that I want to remember when the little handprints have faded away.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Forever later...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A Beautiful Place
And...we got to sign up for the summer reading program yesterday! Both kids got to put their names on a panda to hang on the wall, and they will get to pick up their book bag next week. The librarian was phenomenal! The kids are so excited to read their books and get their prizes. It should be fun!
I knew we had a fabulous library, but I became even more grateful when I was talking with someone from Elba. He was telling me that they had 600 books on the island. Our library has that many picture books. It truly is a wonderful place.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It's a project...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
It used to be the gallery...
After a brief pause, I asked, "What is it?"
After a long pause and a look that can best be summed up as a have you gone daft look, Issa simply stated, "It's a sculpture."
Then Daddy put it on top of the armoire in a place of honor. When Issa was just a baby and started making art at school, we decided the inside of the armoire doors would be the art gallery. I didn't want children's art to take over my house--no matter how much I love it--and I truly do. That worked for a while, and then slowly, the art started to ooze. Now most doors, the kitchen cabinets, the window above the art table, and some random spots of wall proudly display Issa and Evan art. It makes me smile, and I love their creativity. I'm sure someday I will receive fewer scribbles and sculptures, but for now I will enjoy them...where ever they are displayed.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Perfect Day
Yesterday was just one of those blissfully simple, perfect days. Issa and I had a girls' date! We went to get our nails done with some great friends. Yes...Issa's nails virtually glow in the dark, but it really didn't look that bright in the bottle:
After our nails were finished, we headed to the mall for milkshakes and a little shopping. We needed to find the perfect end of the year gift for her ballet teachers. She found very thoughtful gifts, and we had some great girl time. I love afternoons like that!
When we got home, it was Daddy's turn to pick dinner (everyone gets one night to pick around here when I'm planning for the week). He chose country ribs and cheesy rice, which was wonderful. It's so nice to be grilling again! And...he made key lime ice cream parfaits for dessert--with homemade key lime ice cream. The genius at work...
When we got home, it was Daddy's turn to pick dinner (everyone gets one night to pick around here when I'm planning for the week). He chose country ribs and cheesy rice, which was wonderful. It's so nice to be grilling again! And...he made key lime ice cream parfaits for dessert--with homemade key lime ice cream. The genius at work...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Frogs, Fishes, and Snakes...oh my!
...and for once they weren't at my house! We took the kids to the NC Museum of Natural History yesterday. I have never seen so many different frogs, fish, and snakes in one place in my life! Given our new found love of frogs around here, it was very exciting. Evan all but ran from exhibit to exhibit. They really do have a very impressive collection of animals native to NC (some alive some not so much), and it was also space day, so there were special displays about the solar system, including live versions of the animal constellations.
Fun fact of the day: Did you know not all lizards have legs? Glass lizards look like snakes, but they are lizards because they have eyelids and their tails can come off. You learn something new every day!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Nothing better than a blankie...
Friday, May 20, 2011
What's that I hear? Chickens?
As a child, I was what some might call clumsy. Others might say accident-prone. Still others might say drama queen. I didn't get badly hurt, but I managed small injuries often. Any scrape or tiny cut required a bandaid, and I regailed everyone I saw with the tale of the injury. chickens are coming home to roost with my daughter.
Look at that pitiful face. She tripped on her shoe string at school and managed to scrape her elbow, hand, and both knees. When we got home, she announced this had to go on the blog because it was clearly the biggest thing of the day. And there had to be photographs of the bandaids.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Well, Hello, Friend...
I spent most of yesterday weeding and mowing in the one dry window we had this week. We have been getting showers nearly every day, which makes mowing a bit difficult. After I mow, I always use a pool skimmer to get the grass and any random leaves out of the little decorative pond in our backyard. The pond was a birthday/anniversary gift our first year in the house, and we love it! I love the sound of the water and the sound of frogs every evening. The frogs moved themselves in the first summer, and we have watched new generations emerge every year. Yesterday, I found a new little friend as I was scooping:
A small banded watersnake has moved in. (A huge thanks to David Scott and UGA! They have a fabulous website that had this picture and a great classification guide to help me identify the little guy.) They are totally harmless, except that their primary food source is frogs. As long as he leaves a few, he can stay. (I did gently put him back in the water and walk away.) I really am beginning to think I live in the Wild Kingdom!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Officially Full at the Inn
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Assertions: A List
Yesterday was not a picture kind of day, but it was one of those hilarious, only at our house kind of days. These assertions begin in the morning and work our way to bed:
- The laundry just will not go away. No matter how many loads I do, there will be another.
- I will not be transcribing anything for the foreseeable future! I finished all of the transcribing for my dissertation, triple checked it, and then deleted the original files. That last bit nearly killed me, but it must be done.
- Frogs eat a lot, and the kids are still in love with the frogs. As soon as we got home, we needed to feed the frogs, and Evan laughs the entire time they eat--love it. (They are really funny to watch eat.)
- We have been watching too much Animal Planet. Our kids are loving learning about all of the animals, the food chain, and the circle of life. However, their imaginations have too much detailed fuel. In the bath tub, they were pretending to be birds. Issa was the mommy, and Evan was the baby. Before I knew what was happening, Issa filled her mouth with water from the faucet and spit it in Evan's mouth. While I understand this is how birds feed their babies, GROSS! This will not happen again.
- After numerous years of exposure, I have joined the 90% of the population who is allergic to poison ivy. Ug. (And yes...that is a real statistic. I researched it last night. It's what I do.)
- Issa and Miss Laura, her ballet teacher, have identical taste in ribbon. The frillier the better. I cut the tap shoe ribbons for her class last night. They are safely tucked in princess baggies and awaiting the big day!
The End.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Too Quiet
I knew the kids were a little too quiet upstairs, so I went to check. Issa was quietly working at her art table. She was very focused, so I just slipped past looking for Evan. This is what I found:
That would be a travel bottle of baby lotion being emptied on his leg. He will not need lotion for a year.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Little Ballerina
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Cookies Optional
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
You may remember that this little man turned two last weekend. Last week, Aunt Tay Tay, the kids' Godmother, called to apologize for the gift that was on its way. She later sent me a message asking how far away a pet shop was, but I assumed she was joking. Even when I saw the box on our porch labelled "Live Fish," I thought she was joking. When the kids opened the box, I realized she was, in fact, not joking. The box had a little aquarium complete with gravel, a plant, a rock, two African dwarf frogs, and a snail. The kids and I frantically assembled the aquarium.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
An Early Summer Look
Monday, May 9, 2011
Happy Mother's Day to me!
I had a truly blissful Mother's Day yesterday. I asked for a lazy family day, and that is exactly what I got! The day started at a luxurious 9:30 with breakfast in bed: coffee cake muffins, bacon, and coffee. The kids had made me cards, Brad wrote me a poem, and I get another afternoon at my favorite spa. Ahhh. We spent the rest of the day playing and working in the yard. It was perfect!
I also want to share the treasures that came home from school; they make me smile every time I see them. You may recall the great bulb debacle that came home a few weeks early. (It has been safely transplanted to the garden, by the way.) Well...these little seedlings came home Friday. Issa isn't quite sure what they are, so we will see.
Both kids made some coffee filter flowers to add to my collection, and Evan made this little pot and planted the begonia for me!
I also want to share the treasures that came home from school; they make me smile every time I see them. You may recall the great bulb debacle that came home a few weeks early. (It has been safely transplanted to the garden, by the way.) Well...these little seedlings came home Friday. Issa isn't quite sure what they are, so we will see.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Trains, Dinosaurs, and Motorcycles--Oh my!
May 7 is National Train Day--who knew?--so it was a red letter day at the Museum. The Motorcycle Classic was also going on, and I think I saw more motorcycles yesterday than I have in my life. Since Evan's new hobby is looking for motorcycles, this was more than he could stand.
We started with a ride on a passenger steam train. It makes a 25 minute loop around the yard, and you can see all kinds of train cars parked on other tracks. They also have a really nice narration of the history of the rail and the train itself. Evan spent the trip looking out the window yelling, "Choo choo, motocycle, choo choo, motocyle, choo choo, motocycle..." I think you get the idea.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!
So, I may have mentioned a time or a million that Evan loves dogs. Consequently, he took a dog cupcake cake to school yesterday...
This one I did not make. School rules say it must be purchased--fair enough. This one, however, I did make:
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Good, The Ugly, and the Terribly Sad
As you may recall, my original dissertation blew up. The good news (actually, great news) is that it has now taken a new and far more interesting form. I spent several hours this week rewriting chapter one of the dissertation, and I'm quite pleased with it. The picture above is the visual representation. I know it looks a little ugly and blank. When I showed Brad, he looked at me like perhaps it was time I talk to a professional. It's actually very nuanced and makes perfect sense to me, and it got me writing--a very good thing.
Yesterday, I took chapter one to my participants to see if they agreed with what I was finding. This kind of member checking is so terrifying. There is a real risk they could say no and I am back to square one. Fortunately, they all agreed, and I got the highest compliment a researcher can get: "You really made me see this in a new way. You really get us--better than I did."
Even after all that, I got in the car and cried yesterday. My poor school is so under-resourced. I took colored Expo markers as a thank you yesterday, and two teachers actually got teary. Another teacher showed me her receipt file she keeps for tax purposes; some of the items should just be basic supplies for any teacher. Paper? Really? Teachers talked so openly about anxiety medications and the prayer they need to just get through they day. And yet they after day...year after year...because they consider it their calling, their identity, and their "privilege." I am so humbled by these women.
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