Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One Liners

This week is set to a blur of holly, jolly goodness and fun. That being said, it's also set to be a bit of a regular blur if I let it, which I am determined to not do! So, yesterday I focused on the words of my children. Their sweet little voices uttering some of the most endearingly bizarre things:

1. From Issa: "Mom, did you know Australia made up their own language."
"Sweetheart, they speak English in Australia."
"Yes, but it is their own English with words like 'G'day'"
"Well...it's still English. They just have their own slang."
"Mom, I need you to admit you might not know everything."
I had nothing.

2. From Evan: "Santa came to school today!"
"I know! Did you have fun?"
"Mom. It's Santa. He doesn't play. He makes toys, and he said he would make me a fire truck. By the way, I forgot to tell him you said hi. Sorry."
"Well...that's okay. But did you have fun?"
"We just talked. There was no fun."
I had nothing.

3. From Issa again: "Mom, can we gather some candy to send in to make our gingerbread houses."
"Sure. We have some left from when we did our house."
"Great! We have to use the kind in the wrapper. You can't make it even though that's your thing."
"Issa, I have never made candy for a gingerbread house."
"Then we're good."
I had nothing.

4. And from Evan, as Issa was having a moment with Daddy about whether or not she could continue writing or had to get in the bath:
"Mom, they are going to have a conversation. Stay away."
A very wise little boy there.

You just can't make this stuff up!

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