Monday, July 27, 2020

Days 131-132: An Official End of the Dance Year

Yesterday afternoon, we officially put a pin in the 2019-2020 dance year with an outdoor end of year celebration. It felt a little odd to get all dressed up to sit in our cars:
 But we did! We all drove to the studio and parked in every other spot to allow a socially distant celebration:
 Each senior was recognized with the traditional teammate speech and performance of her solo. They each also receive a toolbox, and each teacher places something in the tool box to remind them of the tools they take from the studio with them into life:
We all watched the senior slide show on our phones in our cars, and I cried. It was so powerful to see these girls celebrated even in the midst of this crazy. Our dance family showed up--just like we always do.

They also did the end of year awards, and Issa received her team's Make a Difference Award:
One member of each team is selected as the member who most exemplifies the Company mission. Issa was recognized for her diligence in rehearsals, positivity, and team spirit. We were so proud of our girl!

It was hot, but it was so good to celebrate the end of the year and our seniors, and I'm so grateful for the teachers who worked so hard to make this possible.

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