Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Day 270: When Hard Work Pays Off

 Issa has been busting her tail all semester at dance and at school. We are so thrilled that this week she is really feeling that paying off.

In December, she had a minor dance injury. While Amber was able to get her all squared away, she had to rebuild some ankle strength and power through some rough nights. She worked all break to rebuild that strength, and Monday night she had an awesome night at the studio. She had been working on her dances all break, and the one teacher she sometimes struggles with called her out for how well she was doing. For Issa, she might as well have handed her a million dollars. She basically floated to the car.

At school, she found out this week that because she has all As and no missing work she doesn't have to take any exams. She has classes until next Tuesday, and then she has the rest of the semester off. Essentially, she gets a second winter break of a week and a half. She is over the moon, although Evan is furious. (No amount of reminding him that is finished everyday by 2:30 while Issa does a couple of hours of homework after her day ends at 4 is defusing that fury, either.)

We have been so proud of Issa all semester, and I am so thrilled that she is finally getting a tangible reward for that work.

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