Thursday, January 7, 2021

Day 271: I'm Tired

 Y'all. I am tired of living these historical events. I am tired of trying to talk my children through craziness. I'm tired.

We watched the insurrection at the Capitol Building yesterday. We watched as our democratic process was interrupted by idiots filming the whole thing on their cell phones. I vacillated between fear of what was next and rage. My first thought, though: if these people had been black or brown they would be dead by now.

That is the reality. There are two sets of rules.

Protestors in public streets were shot and arrested this summer. When BLM announced their protest plans, Capitol Police waited in riot gear on the steps. Yesterday, there was none of that. And yesterday was not a protest.

Let me be clear. I do not in any way think shots should have been fired yesterday. I also refuse to call yesterday a protest. 

For the first time since the War of 1812, we were invaded. I was hesitant to name it a coup until I talked with trusted friends who have lived through coups in other countries. I understand now: if you don't name it now, you have major consequences later. It was an unorganized, ignorant coup.

We've been talking a lot around here for the past 24 hours.

We are celebrating that the democratic process won yesterday. We are celebrating that some people immediately "switched sides" to condemn this.

Mostly, though, we are mourning. We have hit a rock bottom (I hope). I'm praying we can start to move forward. To create new policies. To stop the rhetoric. For our elected officials to remember that it's not about them--it's about the country.

We keep talking. We keep advocating. Onward...

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