Monday, July 8, 2024

Beach Week!

We had an absolute blast at Kure beach last week! We returned to the same house, which just makes vacationing so lovely. We know where everything is, and it's become a second home at this point. They had also made some very lovely upgrades to the kitchen and bathrooms. Evan was most excited by the addition of a shell basket:
In addition to great shells, he caught a bunch of these tiny crabs:
Issa stuck to her shells.
Another new addition this year was Kai for part of the week! They day he arrived, the three of us headed to the aquarium:
He loves aquariums as much as I do, and I had fun third wheeling with these two cuties:
Aunt Shannon also did a whole photoshoot for them:

He headed home Wednesday, but the whole family went back to the aquarium Thursday:
The otters will always be my favorite, but I was also delighted by the horseshoe crabs this trip:
Friday we finally managed to get our beach tent perfect:

It was a whole family beach day:
And for the first time ever I went to the beach without getting a sunburn!

Aunt Shannon gifted the kids Lego sets to build throughout the week. This car about took Evan out:

It has so many moving parts! Notre Dame was shockingly not bad, though:

Our last night there we headed to the beach for some family pictures:

This may be my favorite sibling picture ever:
And Brad and I were laughing so hard because the ocean surprised me:
The whole week was filled with small delights: family card games, dinners around the table, new books, porch naps. Time to just be. It was such a gift.


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