Monday, July 22, 2024

To Atlanta and Back Again

Mom and I left Friday morning and drove to Atlanta for the weekend for Becca's shower! Shannon, Becca, and Aunt Carol joined us at Nick and Beth's house Friday night for some pizza and time to catch up. We played a small corn hole tournament:
I got progressively better:

It ended up with Nick and Beth winning the whole thing! Eric was pretty sure we needed to make a plaque to commemorate the moment. 

Saturday morning was the main event:

The shower was a brunch at a beautiful restaurant in Buckhead:
And it was good to see Becca's friends and family love her so well:
Monica came over for a visit Saturday afternoon, which was lovely.

The real bonus was a lot of extra time with Shannon! She barely made it in with the flight debacle on Friday, and it was not looking good yesterday for her return trip. So...she rode back to NC with us! She will skip the home leg of her trip and go straight to DC tomorrow, but it was nice to sneak in two more big family dinners--one out last night and one at our house tonight!

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