Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Little Joys

I was supposed to have an all day meeting last Thursday, but it blissfully was cancelled. It was a true gift. I had been working super long days all week, our washing machine broke, and I was running on fumes going into a big weekend. I took it as a sign to use the day to do all of the things, starting with a trip to the blueberry patch.

 Berry picking was on Issa's pre-college list, and Evan opted to join, too:
We picked four quarts in less than an hour, and they are delicious! I managed to run to the grocery, and then went to Mom's to do laundry. We crossed a bunch of things off her list, including replacing the hood for refrigerator filter:

You can't tell in that picture that I am soaking wet, but we did it! We had turned off the main water line, but I had no idea how much water would be left in the line: a lot. We were very proud of ourselves at the end, though.

Thankfully, Brad was able to prepare the washer this weekend, and this week is busy but not nearly so many hours in the office. Onward!


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