Monday, September 9, 2013


Well...this weekend didn't go exactly as planned. I had to work both days, and I spent much of the time in between doing this:

We had a tree removed Friday that was crowding the house. We hadn't really planned on having it done Friday, but our neighbor was having work done and the tree guy cut us a deal. About halfway through the process, they brought me a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest.
We spent much of the evening reading and mashing up worms to feed him with an eye dropper. The tree guys found the nest, and we tucked him in his nest in a shoebox on the porch. We also spent a lot of time talking about how young he was, how we hadn't seen mama bird, and how we were not getting attached. And then we named him Bird. We were attached.
Saturday morning, we woke up to check on the bird, and Brad and I pronounced him dead. He didn't move, and we couldn't see him breathe. Issa was relieved that we had tried to help: "At least he died full and loved." My heart nearly broke into tiny pieces. Lots of tears were shed, and then I had to go to work.

When I got home, Issa declared the bird was alive just as we were getting ready for the funeral. I took a deep breath, ready to explain, again, that Bird had died. Except...Bird was not dead. He was in fact alive. It was a "hurrah" and "crap" moment at the same time. We knew he had now been without food for a long time and his situation was precarious at best. We also knew the kids would never believe us if we had to tell them he was dead again.
I got some more worm in him, and we realized Mama had returned to a nearby tree. Brad found an old hanging basket, and we moved Bird into the basket and into the tree:
Mama Bird found him, and we were relieved. We know she tidied up the nest and flew in and out with food several times.

Yesterday afternoon, though, we knew Bird was dead. Mama wasn't around, and the evidence was irrefutable this time. More tears were shed, and Daddy took care of what was left of him.

It's hard to see the kids cry, and it was hard to lose Bird. I heard myself say he was pretty sick, but even I was so hopeful Saturday afternoon. What I do know is the kids know we tried. We tried to take care of a little soul who needed help. We were able to make sure he was with his mama, and we were able to make his end a little more comfortable. I hope that is what they remember, and I hope they learned a little bit more about trying no matter what the odds.

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