Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Good Kids

Last night was one of those nights when I was poignantly reminded that I have good kids and that maybe we are doing something right in this parenting gig--which is especially good since this morning was not stellar. (Cue me blurting, "Just shove some turkey in your mouth and stop irritating each other!" And yes...I fed the kids turkey, yeast rolls, and cranberry ice for breakfast. It's what they wanted and I had no good reason to say no.)

But I digress...last night...

Last night was crazy. Issa had dance, I had a school improvement team meeting, and Evan was rescued from hanging out in the back of the meeting by a friend who invited him over. That meant that by the time I finished my meeting and gathered the children we walked through the door about 6:45. Evan had already eaten, and left-overs were in Issa and I's future. As I started warming up dinner, Issa made her brother a cup of hot cocoa, and then it happened. They both sat down at the kitchen table. I expected Issa to, but since Evan had eaten with a friend I fully expected him to go play. But he didn't. He sat. I asked what he was doing, and his response made me tear up: "It's dinner time. I want to hear about everybody's days." Be still my heart. He sipped his cocoa while we ate, and needless to say that moment was the highlight of my day when it was my turn to share.

I'm always grateful for those moments that make me feel like we're doing something right. So much of parenting is building the plane while you're flying it, but maybe that lack of a master plan is working out just fine.

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