Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hurricane Florence

We have had a lot of excitement in the past week, but I wanted to begin by thanking everyone for all of the texts and calls during Hurricane Florence. We were incredibly blessed! We saw some good wind and rain but nothing like what was predicted and certainly nothing like what our friends to the east are coping with right now. 

We only had one hurricane related glitch:
That would be a jenga pile of gallons bags of water all frozen together in our deep freeze. Oops. I was so worried about losing power, I filled the deep freeze with the bags to take up space to help keep things cold. In the unlikely event that something happened to our water, we could thaw them and have fresh water. One problem: I just stacked them in there, seal side up, when I filled them. as they settled, they kind of melted into each other. When I went to take them out last night to get the dinner ingredients, they were very stuck together. When Brad tried to lft them out, the deep freezer came off the ground. Oops. So...he took a hammer and chisel to the top layer. I was able to cook, and we will literally chisel away at the situation over the next few days. Live and learn.

We are so lucky, though. Our nerves are a little worn from waiting for the worst, but we are so grateful that the worst never came.

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