Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Day 50: My Boys

One thing this virus has given us is the gift of time. Without commutes and driving to the studio and dojo, we have a lot more time. It's been lovely to see my boys doing more of this:
 They are in the middle of some epic video game, and I love listening to them talk strategy and laugh. (I wish they would sit farther from the screen, but I have lost that battle.)

Evan has also been doing a lot more building, and he was very excited to start another birthday gift last night:
 I am still unclear as to what it will be, but I have been assured it is very, very cool.

And Brad and I have started playing chess again:
We have a game going all the time, but last night we actually had time to sit and play. (For those keeping score, we are tied one to one. I blew the first game; I missed an opportunity for checkmate, got aggrivated, and committed chess suicide to just end it.)

As the state is starting to make some noises about returning to "normal," I'm really trying to think about how to preserve some of these things. It will be easy for a while. Schools are closed, as is the studio and dojo. My campus is closed through summer. I just don't want to lose the space created for these things, and that will take intentionality.

1 comment:

  1. Did anyone else notice how she "committed chess suicide" and not "Brad beat me fair and square even though I was trying"? Yeah...
