Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Happy birthday, Evan!

I can't believe this guy is 15 today:
His big celebration was Saturday, and he chose Drive Shack:
We laughed so hard. As evidenced by the final score, Brad is the only decent golfer among us:
But...we had a blast. Evan smiled the entire two and a half hours, and he was thrilled to come home to his requested crème brulee:
I think he really wanted the dessert so he could use the torch. We are still laughing that he blew the candles out with torch still lit:
Shannon pitched in with Brad and I to give him a massive computer upgrade for his birthday. He has a new curved monitor, light up keyboard, and some computers guts that make it very fast and cool.

Nana gave him his first kitchen appliance, and his birthday gift to us was watching him attempt to get it out of the box:

He has been talking about the Ninja Creamy for months, and he is loving making his own ice cream and frozen beverages:
This morning he woke up to a decorated house:
And because you have to have something to open on your birthday some computing fuel:
This kid is so easy to celebrate, and the world is better because he arrived on it fifteen years ago.

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